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The most popular travel site in the world. With over 5000 accommodations review, over 1000 hotel reviews, over 3000 landmarks review and over 1000 useful travel experience tips — Dinerscope provides travelers with the wisdom of the crowds to help them decide where to stay, what to eat and how to travel better and cheaper. Each year, a large number of establishments located around the world are listed in the “Dinerscope.com“.By consulting this directory, you will quickly find useful information on these establishments: Locations, specialties, times, closing days, parking, credit cards ……, as well as the prices of certain specialties, which may be subject to change during the year. In summary, Dinerscope is currently the only one able to provide answers to common and less common questions about: Beauty & Health, Entertainment (Art & Design – Movie & Theater – Museum), Food & Drink, Shopping and Travel & Hotel DS: Check Listings and Let’s Go